Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hailee's Great-Grandpa, the Famous Easy Jet

Here is a photo of Hailee's Great-Grandpa on her Sire's side. His name is Easy Jet and he is an American legend.
His career racing record: 38 starts, 27 firsts, 7 seconds, 2 thirds.
When he was two years old, he raced 26 times and won 22 firsts.
When he was only 2, he won the All American, Kansas, Sunland Fall, Columbus Triple Crown, and the All-American Quarter Horse Congress Futurities. He was named World Champion Quarter Running Horse, Champion Stallion and Champion 2-year-old Colt.
When he was 3, he earned the World Champion Racing American Quarter Horse and Chamption Quarter Running 3-year-old Colt.
By the end of 1993, his children had earned $25 million as race horses. He sired more than 1,500 Register of Merit horses. In fact, he is the all-time leading sire of racing American Quarter Horse winners, the all-time leading sire of ROM qualifiers, and the first all-American futurity stakes winner who sired a future winner!
He passed on his "busy" personality to my sweet Hailee!!
You can read more about him at: