Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Doc Bar -- Hailee's Great-Great Grandsire and namesake!

Hailee has several Three Bars connections and one is through the most famous cutting horse line of all. Her Great-great grandsire on her dam's side is Doc Bar out of Lightning Bar out of Three Bars. Doc Bar was only 14'3", like Hailee, but he had fantastic sexy style. He showed at halter 13 times, with 12 wins and 1 second. He earned 10 grand championships and 1 reserve grand championship, earning 36 national points at Halter. His greatest achievements were as a stud, since he produced the most amazing, speedy, handy cutting horses ever. He was inducted into the Cowhorse Hall of Fame. Doc Bar passed away at 36. You can read more about this amazing Foundation Horse Registry stud who shares his name with my Docs Unspeckled Rock at the following two links:
The first photo is Lightning Bar, Doc Bar's sire, the second photo is Doc Bar himself!