Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Renny Explores the World!

Here is some more footage and a few photos from that first schooling ride in that beautiful arena at Hunters Run.  Renny just moved me because he was so calm and hardworking and sensible.  He wasn't bothered by the big flapping pavilion tent.  He didn't much care, though he wanted to look, at the very colorful enormous jumps by the fence.  He couldn't care less about the judge's stand or the judge on the day!  He just was happy to please Kelsey and to listen to her.

And I can't tell you how much fun I had, walking my pony around and letting him explore and graze.  He really was like a puppy dog over those three days.  He wanted to go up to horses, people, things, structures. He enjoyed his baths primarily because they were in the center of the action.  He was funny because as soon as he passed the threshold of his barn, you could see him visibly relax.  He hated his stall, but loved the world!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Two Nights Away!

We arrived at Hunters Run and Renny was absolutely intrigued by the new giant surroundings from the very second he got off the trailer.  He did NOT like his stall which was facing a wall and had a door. He couldn't see his companions and he couldn't hang his head out to greet people.  So, he was miffed and especially miffed because he would spend three long days in that stall without turnout and without the benefit of barn activity.  But anyway, we arrived and he settled in well.  I walked him all over the grounds and he was not worried about anything.  He was enthusiastic about checking the place out and very glad to be nosy.  He was not nervous like he was at Lieway the first day.

So, here you see a few photos and footage from his first schooling session, very shortly after arriving at Hunters Run.  He was fantastic.  Stacey said he looked fabulous.  And indeed he was already working so soft and quiet!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Renny's Second Show!!


So, the very next weekend after Lieway, Renny prepared to leave for his first true competition, at the C-rated show at Hunters Run in Temperance, Michigan.  I was so proud of him because he just climbed aboard the trailer and here is the video footage of my happy boy, waiting fearlessly for the adventures to begin!!  It was such a hot weekend, but he brought his sweet spirits!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Renny Gladly Goes Home!

Renny enjoyed his overnight adventure with all of his St. George pals, but believe me, he got nervous when all the horses were packing up and heading out.  He didn't want to miss his trailer ride home.  And when we got home, he was happy to graze quietly with Grama and enjoy his praise.  What an honest to goodness fabulous pony! Next week, I'll tell you about Renny's first competition!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Renny's Wonderful Schooling Rides!

I will never be able to say enough about what a great rider Kelsey was for my boy.  And how grateful I am that she was the first to ride my pony at a show.  Renny would just visibly relax for her when she showed up.  He'd stand quietly for her as she organized the saddle.  And he'd stand stock still as she mounted.  He was so responsive with her.  At one point this summer, she said that she could feel Renny communicating with her.  And I believe it.  I think they had a real nice energy and telepathy together.  She is helping him with his great start in life!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Renny's Happy Socializing

Here are some photos of Renny schooling on his second day at Lieway.  He was fantastic.  He was soft, supple, obedient.  He wanted to pop his shoulder out to suggest that they leave by the gate, but he was willing to face discipline from his trusted companion, Kelsey.  But what's funny is how Renny behaved in his stall.  He was at Lieway with 9 other of his horse friends, and his best companions, Louie and Tommy were right across from him in this narrow aisle way.  And he had a net for his door.  So, he was one happy camper.  We had to adjust the net because he was pretty interested in seeing if he could go under or over it. But once we had it at the right height, he was as happy as a clam.  He would just rest his neck against it and socialize with every passing person.  He was a jolly happy social camper!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Renny's First Schooling Ride Away from St. George

Renny was nervous and I quickly realized that I wouldn't have the courage to ride him.  I would only put fear in his heart.  So, Stacey called Kelsey to come and school him on that first day and she showed up about quarter to 9, right at dusk.  Renny rode with a few other horses and with Stacey and Elliott in the fading light.  He had one big scare -- he saw a man leave the giant Wyldewood trailer and it was a man emerging from a cave.  Kelsey later said that she felt as though Renny was genuinely scared and needed comforting.  He wasn't trying to be naughty.  So, other than that snafu, he was a handsome champion about his work.  He brought his best heart.  And my friends who were there watching -- Carissa, Julie, Sherry, Katie -- they all said he was just an amazing A-circuit quality little guy.  I was so proud and nervous and happy about his next steps!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Renny Checks out Lieway's Grounds

For his first show, Renny was just going for the experience.  So, I walked him all over the grounds, let him graze, let him explore.  We walked by the Wyldewood tack trailer, by the rings, by the wash rack, by the other horses, by the announcer.  And on the first evening, he was nervous about most things which was very unusual for him.  But by the next morning, he was calm and sweet and happy and interested and he very very much wanted to explore.  He really loved walking and checking things out!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Renny Jumps on the Trailer

On the Friday we went to Lieway, Friday, July 15th, Renny knew something unusual was about to happen.  He got wrapped by Jacquelyn and he was totally intrigued and then when he saw his friends getting on the trailer, he just got all "up" and interested.  And so when it was his time to get on the trailer, he blew all of our minds by just leaping on board and walking calmly to his slot.  He was wonderful.  And then when we got to the show, he just calmly backed off and stood quietly in this entirely busy new location and waited for me to pet him and move him along.  He was just a champion.  He was the same way about going home.  He truly was remarkable for his first trailering experience as a big boy without his mama!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Renny's First Show!

Over the next few weeks, I'll be writing about my horses and how well they've been doing over summer 2011.  So, for two weeks, I'll be writing about Renny's first show experiences!  Mind you, he's just freshly three years old, but he's been so mature and agreeable and talented that we wanted to give him some show experience before sending him to college.  So, two weekends in a row, he went to a show near home at Lieway Hunt Club and then travelled to Michigan to compete in a C-rated show at Hunters Run.  These notes will be about my pony's big champion heart and how he responsibly handled these new challenges, experiences, and roles!

I want to say that I'm very proud of my little guy.  He loaded and unloaded onto trailers quietly.  He made new friends.  He schooled with his best heart.  He enjoyed exploring show grounds.  He won ribbons!  Lots of love to this wonderful pony!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

So Proud of Renny

Namaste.  Here are some photos of a gorgeaus pony and his biggest fan!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Day of Many Firsts

So, Lieway Hunt Club was Renny's first show experience and he handled everything beautifully.  Here's the list of firsts for him on Friday, July 15th:

1)  Cantering into a bounce
2)  Being ridden twice in one day
3)  Being ridden someplace other than St. George
4)  Jumping on a trailer without his mom and without any urging
5)  Going to a show!
6)  Sleeping at a new place without his mom or aunt nearby

Friday, November 18, 2011

Trailer Loading Pony!

I am proud of many things this week ending in July 17th -- Renny met every challenge with calm sweetness.  But among the many things I am proud of, I am so very proud of how he handled trailering.  He walked right on without pause when I first pointed him at the trailer and backed off confidently quietly and unhurriedly when he arrived at the show.  And then when he went home, he stepped on again and stepped quietly off waiting for direction.  And then here's the cool thing -- I let him graze when we got home and then as I was leading him back into the barn past the trailer, I stopped to pick up something near the door and Renny thought I was directing him back to the trailer, so he started to climb on again.  Amazing!  Tired after two intense days and finally home and he was still willing to follow direction about getting back on the trailer.  He's truly a treasure!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hardworking Teams

Here are some photos of me grazing my little Renny moments before his friend, Kelsey, came to ride him beautifully on his second day at his first show.  He was relaxed, happy, cheerful and when she mounted him, he was hard-working.  He threw a few things at her, but mostly, he trotted and cantered at show ready quality.  What a lovely sweet boy.  I mention this fact because I know that part of the reason he is so good and so is his Aunt Violet is because of the great care he is getting at St. George -- from every single person at that facility!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Faithful Pony

So, here are a few photos of Renny  at his first show and a video from that same experience on July 15-16 at Lieway Hunt Club.  Over our years together, I've spent lots of time talking with him, chatting with him, loving on it makes sense that that's how we spent much of our time at his first show.  He was amazing through this whole week -- he was ridden by Kelsey four times, he was jumped quite a bit, he was taken on a little relaxed trail ride with Grams, chatting up friends at St. George.  He handles his business well.  He doesn't like to be bossed around, but he does like to work hard, have fun, receive love, and be a part of the gang.  I just love that about my faithful pony!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Violet Learns Dressage and Jumps Big!

Here is a photo of Renny in his first show stall at Lieway and a little video from the same event.  But this entry is about what happened earlier that week.  Violet's been working so hard.  On Sunday, she had a training session with Em, on Monday, she worked hard with me on jumping, on Wednesday, she jumped a bounce, including with a 2'6" jump with me in a lesson, and then on Thursday, she worked so hard at a dressage lesson with Janet and then on Friday, had another terrific session with Em in which she jumped a line of 2'6" jumps several times!  She really has been a star champion-hearted thoroughbred who brings her best heart and kindness to everyone.  This week Janet said she was a very good intelligent girl!

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Big Week!


I'm writing this entry on Sunday, July 17th and I'm reporting about a really big wonderful week.  This week in July was a big training week for my herd and an especially important week for my little pony.  Violet worked hard at jumping and dressage and had several personal bests.  And my little Renny  he trained very hard too and went and experienced his first show!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Summer Joy


Here are July 10th, Sunday photos of Em riding Violet for the first time and then a Friday, July 15th video of Em jumping her.  On the first day, you can see Violet  working so hard to be obedient and sweet and hard-working.  She brought her best to the very first lesson, even though it was a blazing hot day.  And then in the video, you can see my granddaughter of Count Fleet settling in to jump 2'6" like a big bold sweet hard-working girl!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Smiles after Good Work!

Here's a happy photo of my herd and their friends after a wonderful Friday, July 15th work out.  Violet had just jumped 2'6" for the first time and Renny was my bouncing baby boy, cantering blissfully through bounces, and down lines.  And those two smiling confident young women helped those two herd mates meet new challenges with success!!  Namaste.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Photo Shoot with my Diva!

Here's a July 15th photo shoot with my beautiful herd and their good friends.  I love these two photos because you can see that a little nose sniffing went haywire with Violet  objecting to Renny's  kisses and the photo shoot ending with their riders looking happy and the horses looking bemused!!  

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blissful Moment!

These two young women are top riders and such elegant quiet zen sweet intelligent people.  They have a true inner calmness.  I wish that I could not only learn how to ride from them  and how to train horses, but also how I can be a better person!  They have many stellar qualities!!  Anyway, here they are, my beloved herd and their good friends, quiet and happy before they step off to work hard!! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Those Top Girls

I have to say that moving my herd to St. George has been one of the best blessings in my life.  I will remember this special time when I'm an ancient old woman, checking the tomatoes in my garden, as my nieces' and nephew's children play around me. Tee hee hee.  Anyway, here's a happy photo of the two girls who are helping my horses break through to the next level -- Emily who is helping Violet soften and become more athletic, and Kelsey who is helping Renny develop confidence and boldness and engagement in his work!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Renny Bounces Big!

This photo and video were taken Friday, July 15th and I'm writing the evening of July 17th, after a lovely busy weekend.  The Krull sisters have been helping me with my little herd and here is Violet getting ready to work her champion heart for Em.  On this day, Renny cantered into a line and cantered into a bounce with such beauty that I couldn't help but cheer like I was at a World Cup game.  He just looked like the most natural agile athlete and was so calm about his work.  And I just adore that Kelsey.  She told me that she could feel him asking to take the bounce with more speed and she told him no, and he asked again, and she said no, you can trust me, and he did...he slowed down and took the bounce with beauty.  She said that he's a great communicator.  I just love her training and riding skills.  She's a real gift to my pony and I can tell that he has a little crush on her -- he likes to give her his best and he is trying to learn!

Monday, November 7, 2011

It Takes a Village

I'm writing this entry on Sunday, July 17th, after a very busy wonderful weekend.  This photo and video are from Friday, July 15th.  I've asked Emily and Kelsey to help me with Violet and Renny, so we meet on Friday mornings for exercise rides.  This past Friday was wonderful.  Violet was soft and quiet and agreeable for Emily on their second ride together.  Emily said that she could feel that Violet was traveling straighter and more willing to bend and trying hard to be supple.  And what was super duper cool is that she jumped Violet several times at 2'6" which was a personal best for her.  And I was so proud of Violet because she just turned that corner, took a look at those jumps, and pulled herself together to jump big and bold!  And when I cheered, she veered in, looking right at me with happiness, for her pets!!!  She loves me, I love her!! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My Top Pet


Saturday, November 5, 2011


From their first exercise ride, lovely pony.  Namaste.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Learning to be a Thoughtful Light Pony

Here are photos and a video from Kelsey's second ride on Renny on June 30th.  He's so handsome and responsive and light to aids.  Kelsey's tips to me were to keep off his face when I ask for the upwards to the canter -- to let him find his way, since he wants to be light and round anyway.  And I need to work on that.  I think that he gets a little jumble from me on our upwards to that gait!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Renny Returns Home from Training!!

So, Renny has been gone for two months of training at Quicksilver Ponies, learning how to be a fabulous little hunter show pony.  He was treated very well and liked his time with all the other ponies.  He liked his riding trainer, Alyssa, and the woman who owns the farm and head trainer, Melinda.  And so I was excited to bring him home.  I'm exhausted today, but yesterday was wonderful.  I went to Quicksilver Ponies and they showed me how to ride my wonderful boy.  And then Ricky and I brought him home safely.  And then when we arrived, I discovered that dear friends, Lex and Lillian, went to the big trouble to give Renny a wonderful homecoming.  They had a basket filled with carrots, mints, and apples for him, a banner, and a big giant box of chocolate-covered cherries for Grama and all of Renny's friends!  I just laughed and laughed when I saw that box of chocolates because we always joke about Renny that way when he comes in all covered in mud!! I'm very happy my boy is home!

Team Tenderness, Floating along a Stream of Love!

Working hard together -- working hard on soft, soft, round, round.  Working hard on developing our dressage relationship.  Working hard on making each other happy.  And happy happy to be working hard.  Love my sweet girl, my sweet girl loves me!  Namaste.