Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Renny Jumps on the Trailer

On the Friday we went to Lieway, Friday, July 15th, Renny knew something unusual was about to happen.  He got wrapped by Jacquelyn and he was totally intrigued and then when he saw his friends getting on the trailer, he just got all "up" and interested.  And so when it was his time to get on the trailer, he blew all of our minds by just leaping on board and walking calmly to his slot.  He was wonderful.  And then when we got to the show, he just calmly backed off and stood quietly in this entirely busy new location and waited for me to pet him and move him along.  He was just a champion.  He was the same way about going home.  He truly was remarkable for his first trailering experience as a big boy without his mama!