Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Two Nights Away!

We arrived at Hunters Run and Renny was absolutely intrigued by the new giant surroundings from the very second he got off the trailer.  He did NOT like his stall which was facing a wall and had a door. He couldn't see his companions and he couldn't hang his head out to greet people.  So, he was miffed and especially miffed because he would spend three long days in that stall without turnout and without the benefit of barn activity.  But anyway, we arrived and he settled in well.  I walked him all over the grounds and he was not worried about anything.  He was enthusiastic about checking the place out and very glad to be nosy.  He was not nervous like he was at Lieway the first day.

So, here you see a few photos and footage from his first schooling session, very shortly after arriving at Hunters Run.  He was fantastic.  Stacey said he looked fabulous.  And indeed he was already working so soft and quiet!