Sunday, March 31, 2013

Em Says, "Correct as it Comes!"

Over Winter Break this past year, Em was so generous.  She worked diligently to make my mare softer and sweeter -- and Violet really brought her best heart.  On the second to last day, I got to watch a lesson and I told her how I always had trouble at the end gate -- Violet would do beautifully, but at the very last second, she would lock up and take a peek, just to be sure.  And Em taught me several things that day which have changed how I approach riding.  She said that I have to really give up my fear at the gate.  I have to really trust.  I have to give it away.  And she said that I need to approach riding, such that I'm giving my best and just "correct as it comes!"  So, with Violet I've been able to do that and she could care less about any gate or any corner or any issue in that arena now.  She's solid and great.  Kelsey also taught me that lesson this summer too, but I think it took both sisters to really learn.  Kelsey said, "Ride the body, not the problem."  And she meant, don't worry about what your pony is thinking or worrying about, just place the body where you want!

The second thing Em taught me which I really appreciate is that when you're working on something that's hard for your pony, take it in 3 days.  On the first day, you introduce it and hope for the best and work diligently and try to end on a good note, though you know you'll pony will be frustrated.  On the second day, your pony will have been thinking about it and will be trying to rise to the occasion.  But on the third day, if you keep the aids the same, the spirit strong, and the desire clear, the third day will be wonderful!  And since I have always believed in the Power of 3, I have no trouble imagining this lesson plan to be true.  In fact, I missed her and Violet's last day together that week -- a third day. But it was so good that Ricky texted me and told me about it!  I'm proud of my ponies and happy with the people my ponies have drawn to me!