Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Grazing Girls

Here are my two favorite mares, relaxing on a cool morning in the first week of June. I arrived at the stable early in the morning and let them out, along with their friends. And then I just followed them about as they enjoyed grazing, chatting and socializing. I owne the best horses. I know it's not proper to be "desirous," but if I owned my own little farm with a large sweet pasture and view, I know I would probably eat ever single meal with my girls. I'd just set up a folding dining table. I'd read the daily paper, work on facebook, write papers, pretend scold the girls, all from a comfortable folding chair hidden behind a tree in the pasture. What a wonderful dream. But barring that, what I can do is visit them and stroll about with my coffee cup, taking photos of these radiant glowing girls.