Friday, September 4, 2009

Ren with His Tall Girlfriend

Okay, so here you see B and Renny in the front pasture. And he obviously looks like a sweet boy which he is. But yesterday, Tuesday, June 9th, he did something hilarious and naughty. I was out in the pasture with him, enjoying a cup of coffee with my arm draped over him and chatting him up about life and love and his handsomeness when he decided he had had enough. He decided he was a young man who didn't need his Grams. He decided he wanted a little peace with his grazing and time alone with his girlfriend. So, he lifted his back leg in his slow awkward preparation for a shove/kick. I stepped back away from him and then he turned his head and started hopping backwards on three legs with his fourth leg still raised and cocked ready to fire out. Oh, let me tell you, he made me laugh and laugh to see him crow-hopping slowly and awkwardly backwards just to make sure to get a kick at Grams. What a perfectly rotten creature! Namaste.