Friday, October 21, 2011

The Bunny who Dared

Okay, so this year's garden had a number of improvements, so I was very excited.  I strengthened the fence, planted different options, moved the location of certain plantings, etc.  And then a teenage bunny arrived.  I always love to glance out my window many times during the day to see my lovely garden.  And one afternoon, I peeked out and saw the offending bunny, laying in a quite relaxed fashion in the exact center of my garden.  He's eaten the beets, cauliflower, eggplants, pole beans, peas, bush beans, kohlrabi, and much of the cabbage.  It's been a gardening armageddon.  But I never get too upset.  I figure once a bunny decides that your place is the food place, you just have to roll with it until the next gardening cycle.  And I am enjoying making the bunny jump the fence each day.  But next year, I definitely going to raise the fence!!