Friday, February 10, 2012

Jumping Bigger, Feeling Smaller!

So, Violet and I have had some unusual sessions lately.  We showed in October and we have been doing so much better at dressage and jumping.  And though she and I sometimes get into some struggles, we mainly have just been working hard at enjoying getting better!  So, for example, last week, Violet and I just picked up the pace of our lessons -- we move out at the trot with greater energy and we work from our rear end much more.  And we don't complain when we're asked to jump 2'6".  We just work!  But in my heart, I'm getting a little bit more nervous even as we are progressing.  I can feel a mist of fear coming over me.  I feel a bit frozen on her and I don't feel like I'm following her motion well or releasing her enough or even knowing how to drive her and pace her to jumps.  So, we are in one of those funny little breakthrough moments where you move forward several steps and also move back!!  But we're loving being a team together as we sort it out!