Monday, February 19, 2007

Hailee's Steel Dust Covenant!

Among the Foundation Horse people, there are those who are part of the "Steel Dust Covenant." They are horse people who feel that the modern Quarter Horse has been bred with too much thoroughbred blood since the 1950s. They prefer what they call the Billy or Bull Dog type -- the well-muscled, low-built, smart, level-headed horse that can run match races on Sunday, chase cows on the work week, and pull a plow! Steel Dust was born in Kentucky and moved to Texas in about 1845. Shiloh was the other famous Foundation horse of that time who helped Steel Dust breed the bull dog line. Of course, if you look at my short, sweet, built Hailee, you can see that she has lots of this Billy blood in her. She is related to Shiloh's children through her Shiloh, Jr., Old Billy, Mammoth, and Little Jeff Davis lines -- she's got lots and lots of Shiloh, Jr. and Old Billy in her. Through Steel Dust, she's got his kids, Ram Cat, Blind Barney, Bill Gregory, Mollie, Mounts, Tom Driver, Jack Traveler, Nettie Overton, Gray Alice, and Bill Garner, among others! She's got lots of Ram Cat in her! I am proud of her old Billy blood. You can read more about the Steel Dust Covenant at the following Foundation Horse link: