Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Kentucky 2007: Secretariat's Stall and Pasture!

When I was a child, I always wanted to visit Secretariat. I imagined it as sort of like a pilgrimage to meet that handsome red man. And then when I was in graduate school, I thought I should go. But he passed away in 1989, being euthanised after foundering. So, I felt that visiting his home was bittersweet. I am glad that I went and glad that I met a woman who said that she did see Secretariat when she was a young girl, and that he was proud, snorting, and territorial! Which is not the way I imagined him at all, but it is still awfully nice!

Anyway, here is his stall which he now bequeathed to Eddington. And here is his pasture which he now bequeathed to Pulpit. You can see that several handsome important fellows besides Secretariat lived in that stall!