Sunday, August 30, 2009

Breaking News! The New Cart!

Okay, I am writing this

entry on the last Sunday of August after a spectacular weekend. The weather was weird and off on Friday, with an odd pressure, so I worked hard and then went home and just barely mowed the lawn before a huge rainstorm arrived. It rained most of Friday and through the night, but I didn't mind because I just laid in bed and read newspapers and relaxed and listened to the rainfall. And then Saturday morning, I went to the stable and visited the herd and enjoyed a lovely wonderful amazing cart drive with my joyful hard-working Violet! I worked teaching a summer class, so that I could purchase this used Pacific Carriage Training Cart and though I was nervous, it was a great idea. This cart is amazing. It was delivered while I was at home visiting mom and dad, so I got my first drive in it last Sunday. I've had lots of fun with it this week and Violet is very good in her fabulous new cart. Then today, I just relaxed. I cleaned the kitchen, read the paper, and was quiet for the 4 year anniversary of Katrina. I enjoyed Zelia and the cats and the chickens and the finches and the sparrows and the bunnies and the squirrels. I ate polenta with okra, mushrooms and tomatoes and a caprese salad and my eggplant pie. Now I'm making crystal hot sauce wings for work. It's been an amazing weekend. Namaste!