Monday, August 31, 2009

A Green Slice of Heaven

I am writing this entry on Wednesday, June 10th, of an unusually good week. Barbie had told me to harness up Violet and take her for a spin by myself this past weekend. So, on a beautiful Sunday, I went out to the stable and did just that. While her dad was mowing the pastures, I hitched up my sweet girl and off we took on this big loose trot all around the outdoor! Then on Monday, I had an excellent riding lesson with her using draw reins and even jumped an X. We felt very proud of ourselves. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday, I hitched up my girl again and we went for cart rides. We have been very productive. Today, Violet did her first backing with the cart. She was very good. What's been exceptionally nice is seeing the herds out on the bright green Spring pastures. Violet and Hailee, just like in this photo, hang out close together. And I often see Hailee standing with her tail in V's face, just whisking that big black brush delicately over her girlfriend to keep her free of pests -- a real treat a thin-skinned thoroughbred truly enjoys! Namaste.