Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Violet's Trail Ride

I'm writing this entry on May 10, 2011, but these photos are from March 3, 2008, a few weeks before Renny's  birth.  I have so much to tell you about Violet, but I am going to try and be relatively brief.  This past weekend, Sara from Evergreen Lake Stables, came and picked up Violet and me and took us to her farm to teach us about trail riding.  It was just amazing.  She has all these trail ride obstacles set up in her barn and Violet was totally happy to go by all of them, she was unconcerned.  She crossed a wooden bridge several times.  She was awesome.

And Violet was awesome on the trails.  She kept her distance from the front horse, was calm about passing other horses, enjoyed being in the front when it was her turn, listened carefully, and we rode on a nice loose rein -- often on the buckle!  I felt so proud of her.  And as we returned to the barn, we would stop and chat and Violet would just calmly lower her head and peacefully look around at the scenery, pastured horses, cows, etc.  She was in no rush to do anything other than enjoy herself.  On the trail, she was happy to go from light to dark, woods to pasture, and change the surface from dirt, to leaves, to pavement, to, MUD and WATER!  She just plopped on through in a relaxed non-hurried fashion.  She truly outdid herself in absolute cool.  I could not have been more proud of my lovely trying mare!!!  She gave me the best Mother's Day present, ever!!!