Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bouncing Renny!

Here is a photo of Renny taken the evening of his first jumping lesson.  Since then he's had two jumping lessons, so three total.  And each time, he is amazing.  On the first evening, we just tweaked the height until we found the height at which he would comfortably jump.  And then we jumped a single line.  On the second lesson, we trotted in both directions outside lines on each side of the arena.  And then this past Monday, as I write this on Saturday May 28th, Renny blew our minds.  He had a three bounce set up with a three stride to a cross rail toward the end of the arena.  And he did it time and time again with the same speed, energy, good will and excellent assessment of distance -- bounce, bounce, bounce, break into light fluid relaxed canter for three strides, bounce, and then canter away -- happy happy happy pony and grama!