Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Lundi Gras!

I am sitting here with my new computer, on my first day back from Pennsylvania after Stephen's delivery, enjoying an Abita Restoration Pale Ale, and thinking about Lundi Gras! Today was a bit hectic. I went out to the stable in the morning and visited my horses. They all looked terrific. Here are Violet and Hailee in the beautiful sun of a gorgeaus morning. Renny looked very happy to see me and I let him stroll around the stable while I did some chores.

Then I ran seven errands, including getting rid of my roadrunner modem cable and going to the bank, and came home to take a jolly warm nap with Jackass. I ate some lentil soup for lunch and then blackberries with flax seed and then took a shower and napped in the warmth of a sunny afternoon. Jackie was a terrific companion, nesting with me and placing his little head on the pillow right across from me and facing me. I could hear him purr with satisfaction and every once in awhile, I would take a peek and see his little grey face and bright green eyes peeking back. What a way to return from a happy family event!

Now I've just finished cleaning the house and tomorrow morn will balance my checkbook, pay the last of my bills for this month, get photos of the baby made for mom, me and Becky, and get a frame for my NIH PSC photos. Then a busy day at work, a quick visit to the stable, and dinner with friends on Mardi Gras! Namaste!