Here is a photo of my beautiful girls on All Saint's Day. They truly are gorgeaus, well-kept lovely mares. I am writing this note on November 16th, and this weekend I had a wonderful time with my girls and foal. Violet is eager to please, so she and I worked with a cavesson and long-lining, Parelli, and riding. She was good at working in the box over poles, and she played with Jenna, John's little girl who he brought to the stable. Both Jacob and Jenna did yo-yo and friendly game with her and she was lovely and kind and friendly, of course. And my foal, well, let me just tell you, Renny was a champion of goodness. He let me rub him down with crunchy plastic, pick out his hooves, walk him around the farm, take him over ground poles. He slept out in the indoor ring overnight with his girls. He was so funny. I came to the barn early on Sunday morning and I opened the door and saw this group of four girls all cuddled up and laying down like a bundle of kittens, and then my little man laying down a distance aways. He just laid there while I walked over to him and pet him and talked with him and his girls swirled around his fat reclining form. Such a wonderful, funny, fabulous guy! And the best girls ever. One of my favorite places on earth is a Sunday morning, with cup of coffee, New York Times, and Violet as she quietly dines on hay and periodically checks on me with a loving little bump with her muzzle. One of my favorite places!