Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Renny Goes Wild with Coolness!


I'm writing this entry on Sunday, August 21st, the night before Fall semester.  Renny has had an amazing good-natured, hard-working summer.  In early May, after he turned 3, he proved that he was a good solid citizen by jumping sweetly.  And this summer, he was so fun with Grama, jumping courses. And he got a little crush on Kelsey who helped him win ribbons in his very first two classes against all horses.  And now he's getting ready to go for more training as a hunter pony.  Yesterday I could not have been more proud of him.  We were in our Saturday morning lesson and he was happy and mellow and sweet.  So we rode in our class with Mary, Cheri and Baker and their wonderful mounts.  And Renny was so happy to be with his buddies.  In his class, he was so calm and mellow and sweet and hard-working as he rose to every single challenge.  He cantered a small figure 8 and gave simple lead changes.  He trotted a circle of 4 cavaletti.  He cantered a circle of 4 cavaletti!  He worked in a cone box to make tight turns with only the outside rein.  He cantered within that box on a small 20 meter circle!  He was just stellar at everything we asked.  I was so proud of my sweet boy! And before we rode, he wanted me to kiss him, place my face against his, and stroke his ears and jaw.  He's a loving sweet boy!  Happy Birthday to me!