Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Sweet Trying Girl!

We've had a rough month, Violet and I.  We got a new trainer and she's been shaking things up by requiring tougher technical rides.  So, my sweet mare feels as though I'm mad at her and she gets all worked up. So, I took her out of lessons for a month, so we could work on bonding and getting soft and communicating better. And I think it's working!  We've spent time long-lining, pessoa-ing, lunging, Parelli work, and flat work and jumping.  And I've been practicing being patient and soft with her and that's been helpful.  I can really tell that Violet is working hard to please.  She wants to enjoy her work and her time with me.  This past Friday, she and I had a little riding fun with another friend at the barn and we jumped for the first time in a long while.  And she was just sweet and happy and obliging.  I do love my sweet mare!