Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pony Winter Coats

Here are some winter photos from last year in that icky part of the winter when the coats are dirty and stink.  This fall (2012), I was teased at the barn because Violet had a lovely black and gold rain wind jacket, a insulated rain coat, a big puffy blue suburban housewife coat two matching hoods, a green medium weight coat, and a blue checked barn sheet.  And Renny has one totally flea bitten blanket he got when he was a yearling and beat up medium blanket.  People asked me why she has so many and he has so few and we all laughed when I said it's because I like her better.  But the real reason is that he gets his winter coat almost overnight and really doesn't need much.  But my beautiful diva thoroughbred with her thin skin and fine hair needs the help!  Look at my beautiful creatures!