Friday, April 12, 2013

Preparing for Spring Rides!

Every opportunity the weather has given me this Spring, I've taken.  I've wanted to be sure that I was preparing for happy Spring and Summer rides.  So, a few times, I've ridden Violet and Renny around the farm, including one happy day when Ricky opened up the gate and Renny and I and Eclipse and Hope just walked on out the door and enjoyed the world!  And I've ridden Violet several times now, around the farm and in the pony ring.  And she's been great, just wonderful.  She's been obliging, soft, ready.  She's been gentle off my leg.  She's been desirous to show me her flying lead change.  I just am so proud of her and so happy to be with her.  I can honestly say that my love and appreciation for her grow. That my time with her is always pleasant and fun.  I feel whole with her.  I feel like she's a gift from G*d to me.  I am glad to know that when I die, I can say that I was friends with such a great mare.   I know I'm being dramatic.  But I'm also being stone cold true.  Anyway, I'm getting sappy.  My point? I'm looking forward to riding with blue skies above!!