Saturday, July 21, 2007

Horse Sense: Changing it Up!

Today is the 4th of July as I write this blog. I just got back from a riding lesson with Violet and Stephanie, and found a set of photos of Hailee from Barbie in my email. Such a wonderful day!!! My Kentucky girl looks so mature and happy! And my Ohio girl was a great ride today. Stephanie worked on getting me to grip with my entire legs, and we worked at 2-point. And she said that I needed to "change it up," so I rode with a double twisted wire snaffle. It was a different experience because Violet was much more settled with her head, so I got to feel what her big bouncy hunter trot and collection felt like. It was lots of fun. Now I'm off to see my nieces! Parelli's view of horses' talents: running; jumping; bucking; herding; playing; and pulling!