Monday, July 2, 2007

Man o' War's funeral

Man 'o War loved his groom, Mr. Will Harbut. And in 1947, Mr. Harbut passed. Less than a month later, Man 'o War passed, dying of heartsickness for his lifelong friend. More than 2,000 people attended his funeral. And he was laid in state for several days, so people could come see their champion and perhaps pat him. Mr. Samuel Riddle commissioned a statue of him and that statue stands over his grave at the entrance of the Kentucky Horse Park. I think that is so fitting -- the Kentucky Horse Park has Man 'o War, son of Fair Play and Mahubah by Rock Sand. He had 379 children in his life, and some are buried with him at the park. You can read more about this champion and his passing at the following links. Also, at the first link, you can hear a radio broadcast of his funeral, posted by Claiborne Farm!
