I am writing this on August 19th, as I sit in my office. Yesterday I didn't go out to the stable in the morning because I had to monitor a prelim. So, I missed my creatures terribly. I went out in the evening and let Hailee and Renny out in the indoor arena. They were both wet because they'd been rained on earlier in the day. Hailee rolled with pleasure in the dirt, and the baby just tore around the arena at top crazy speeds, zooming and almost bumping into walls! He was hilarious. Sometimes he'd fall on his little butt and just jump up, acting like he meant to do that, giving an angry little snort and double-barrel kicking at the air before tearing off again. He was really showing his athleticism. His little chest muscles were just bulging! And then he would run up the sawdust mountain, lay down happily, and roll down, jumping up and just being all golden with sawdust confetti. He's such a handsome, joyful, super little fella!