Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lovely Violet, Dancing in July!

Lovely Violet, Dancing in July!

This photo is from August 5th and the video is in late July.  Kelsey and I shared a training ride and it was so fun.  My ponies are wonderful.  Gay was on hand, so she took a picture of us.  I'm writing this entry on Sunday, September 9th.  I'm sort of tired because it's been an exhausting week with bad news on practically every front.  But there's been good things too.  So, for example, Violet's been in training and working hard since May, so I gave her a little more than a week off.  This week she came back into riding.  I rode her for the first time this past Wednesday in the outdoor arena with her new trainer, Jill.  She was wonderful.  She was relaxed, adjustable, lovely.  Jill worked us hard.  She made us trot hard and swiftly and canter boldly and forward.  She made us just work work work our tails off -- We worked at the trot and canter for 40 minutes.  By the time we stopped, I cried in the saddle because I was relieved and sad and jumbled up. And it was weird in a good way.  Jill said that I had improved so much and she could see my determination and she was so impressed.  And I couldn't really even manage being gracious because I just was crying.  I love Violet and Renny and I love the summer they were blessed to have with Kelsey.  They truly benefitted from their work!