Saturday, September 8, 2012

More Kisses

I'm writing this entry on September 2, 2012.  Today I spent an afternoon at my barn, visiting my horses and cleaning their tack.  And on my way home, I had a reason to drive on the road I took to visit Hailee for many years -- Poe Road out of town.  And I thought about my beautiful mare and how much I love her.  And I thought about how grateful I am that she is safe.  So, here is a photo taken March 7, 2008 about two months before Renny's birth.  Violet and Hailee were wonderful dear loving friends.  What's funny is that before I even drove on that road today, I had a chance to think of her (I think of her every day).  When I drove up to the barn, I saw Renny standing with a friend, grooming and giving swirls, just like in this photo.  And my mind just filled with the times I'd seen these two mares groom each other and Renny groom the girls!  I miss her so much.