Saturday, August 4, 2007

Horse Sense: Riding the Horse You're On...

This Blog was written two weeks back, in Mid-July (7/19). Violet and I had a great week riding last week.

So, last week (mid-July), I had a riding setback. I was so nervous, perched, and tense. I worried that Violet might be more girl than I can handle. What's funny is that she was rock solid and sweet like usual. She took an interesting in her changing surroundings with the addition of the new barn, but was solid on foot and trying.

So, this week, I decided to just put it behind me and not give it another thought. So, I had riding lessons on Tuesday and Thursday and they were great, today especially. We had people driving by in golf carts, people and cats popping in and out of the new barn addition, and lots going on. But Violet and I focused on our work and figured out how to move off the leg, round up, move floating, and transition up and down. She was charming and fun. We ended our lesson with a pattern from Whinny Widgets and we had a blast. Violet plumped forward in a big floaty trot and seemed to really enjoy herself. It was a fun pattern, with big half moons, circles, broken V's to cross the ring. My girl is a lovely sweet thing! And it was fun to ride and know that I was sitting deeper and riding with more leg than I usually do! And I caught the correct diagonal the majority of the time today! So, I am putting last week where it belongs!!

Here's some thoughts from that natural horseman, Pat Parelli. We give rewards and punishments after the fact. We give positive and negative reinforcements at the fact! Also, predators need praise, recognition, and money! Prey need comfort!

It's true that my girl, Violet, is happy, sweet, relaxed, and long in her stride and reach, when she feels comfortable and settled with me! And when we've been working really hard on a task and we stop and I pet her and give her sweet words, she gives a huffle whiffle exhalation and drops her head a bit just to say that she is comforted that we did well!!