And, most wonderful, Violet and I had a week of great rides. We were a true team. We had fun at all 3 of our lessons. On Saturday, yesterday, I got up early, went to the Farmers Market, purchased food and got a beautiful bouquet of flowers, then Violet and I had a the best lesson to top the week. I arrived and I could just tell that she was relaxed, happy, and interested! She was light, she powered over the ground poles, she curved into her circles, she took on a new whinny widgets challenge. She was the best! All I could do was smile and laugh at how much fun it was to ride my big quiet red girl!!! Then I came home to a day's worth of canning warm summer food for winter. I will think of this great week, and my fun, sweet ride, when I eat canned cherries and peach chutney in the depths of winter! Thank you, Vi-girl!