So, that has me worried because Violet is never stocked up. Then I worry because I feel like I'm not giving baby a good enough foalhood! I worry that he's not getting enough run around time, not enough love, not enough care, etc. He's such a good guy. For example, this weekend he stood still and calmly for his farrier on his 2 month birthday. He walked into the wash rack and let me spray his legs and stood quietly. He loves his grandma and runs up to me. He whinnys at me. He's adorable in all respects. Yesterday he ran to the fenceline to give me some love and I noticed a little flower hanging from his lips. He had brought over a bit of clover for his grandma.
Here's an example of his pure simple goodness -- one filled with a little worry. When I went out to the stable this morning, I went to his stall to get him and Hailee ready to put out. Hailee was standing over him and Renny was laying down, right by the door, under the waterer. He looked calm and sweet and patient, but it was perfectly patently clear that he was cast. His little back legs were curled up tight against the wall and his front legs were stretched out like a dog's toward his head. He laid on his side and looked up at me. And my heart filled with love. His expression said it all: "Grandma! Thank goodness you're here! I can't get up! Help me!" He stretched his front legs and looked up patiently at me. He didn't panic. He didn't struggle. He just waited patiently. And Hailee stood over him, waiting for me too. I got his lead line, placed them around his back legs, and pulled him over. Then, he gathered his wits and stood up quietly with his mom still standing in the same place looking on. It was such a quiet moment and when it was over, I realized that my little guy trusts me to take care of him. He didn't kick his legs, he didn't spin or fight, he didn't get weird when I wrapped the rope around his back legs. He just laid patiently until I helped him and then got all happy and wild boyish when I got him ready to go out into the green pastures.
So, you can see, I feel very much like I haven't earned the joy that these creatures bring me. They deserve such good care, such good care. And I'm not at all sure that I'm able to be responsible for such precious creatures. Namaste and lots and lots of prayers for your well-being, my Violet, my Hailee, and my darling sweet irresistibly funny Renny!
But here's a good thing in this troubled day -- I sent in Renny's forms for his registration as an American Sport Pony! I think he's a slice of perfection, but I want him to have some formal papers to go along with his solid rear, his great face, and his total smarts! And here's another nice thing: This morning, Darla and I were chatting about our foals and she said that she loved Renny's trot and thought his head was very cute, really good-looking. And she and I both agreed that he's got a terrific can! Plus she complimented Hailee's lope, she said that she'd always thought Hailee had a nice lope.
So, I have worries and I'm not sleeping well. And I am overwhelmed. There's a Cajun curse for what I'm experiencing: "The good times are killing me!" Namaste to us all!