So, over the course of May and June, I got a new realtor, Sulphur Springs, to help me find a farm. I found a 7 1/2 acre farm out in Cygnet which has a Cape Cod home, pond, and very large nice stable. I've visited this farm 4 separate times, but today, Sunday, June 22nd, I'm going to visit another farm with barn out on Bishop Road, close to where I live.
I've been so tired lately with work and the foal that I've wondered whether I really even wanted horses anymore. But seeing the new listing yesterday made me realize that, yes, of course, I want to live with my horses and cats and dog on a cute little place named Laurel Wreath Farm. And I realize that I've been working slowly on this dream for the past 2-3 years now. I've researched stable makers, run-in shed and chicken coop kits, stall systems, flooring, Ramm fences. I've been looking at country property and even tried to sell my house and buy a house and land. So, it's official. I am slowly moving toward my dream of having my own lovely farm with my vegetables, herb garden, perennials, goats, chickens, horses, cats, dog! Please bless this dream!
Now, here is a little additional information written on Monday, July 14, 2008. I ended up making an offer which was accepted on that Bishop Road property. Doug and Pat Valentine visited the location and gave me advice. It was so nice to get Mr. Valentine's advice about the barn and about how to manage the pasture. We visited on an evening when it rained and rained earlier, so it was nice to see whether the property had any flooding. Mr. Valentine and I walked the pasture and didn't find any squishy spots. But in the evening light, we saw a deer running across the bean field at the end of the pasture. The farm even has a windmill.
Anyway, what I am doing now is getting my Reed Street house ready to sell. Let me tell you. I've wallpapered, caulked, painted, sanded, had the plumber, will have the carpet cleaners, and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. I am the Queen of Clean! The house looks amazing, if a little spooky because I put away so much of my belongings. I hope I get an offer. If I can get an offer by October 1st and it makes my hit mark, well then I will be moving toward waking up each day with the chore of having to walk to the barn to feed my girls and Renny.
Speaking of which, when I visited Showgate Stables this morning for my coffee with horses, Derek and I watched the mares and foals as they were out in the main pasture. Annie was running around like a nut and my Renny was the ringleader. He just tore around the pasture and zoomed on his cute legs with Ruthie taking a few turns too. And where was Hailee? Right in the middle of this zooming circle with her muzzle down in the green grass, enjoying the circus and the early morning sun! My Violet and Sedona and Cruiser were also happy to have a morning on the grass. Derek gave me advice about buying hay in advance, preparing my pasture, tending to the holding pen, etc.
And get this! I was freaked out last night because today (Monday, July 14), I would have to sign the forms to put this all in motion. So, while I was having coffee at Showgate, I got an email and phone call from Rutgers, saying that the book was being mailed to me and congratulations! I talked with Martha who told me all was well with the financing! My sister and I chatted on the phone while Emma and Clara were busy with their morning routine. So, it was such an amazing, once in a lifetime kind of morning!