Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Breaking News! Violet Plays the Thoroughbred Card!

Here's a photo from 2007 of my beautiful energetic talented girl! See her sweet eye and happy ears? I am writing this entry two years later and the young Miss has become a super talent. She's learned to jump, basic dressage, drive a cart, long-line, lunge with side reins, hunter-under-saddle. She's just phenomenal. Yesterday morning I was out at the barn and Doug and I were chatting and he said that he felt that Violet would do anything you asked her. And this I firmly believe is true!

Anyway, this is the last day of Fall Break. I had a wonderful Fall Break. I cleaned my house, slept, read a novel, started a book by a sociologist about life at the track, and rode and drove Violet. Yesterday she was just terrific and responsive under saddle and today was unbelievably Cool with a capital C! She was fresh and ornery because they've been indoors for more than 2 weeks. Ugh. So, I took her and harnessed her up on a cold sunny breezy October morning. And her ears and head were up, up, up! She was up for adventure. And we drove past the chattering corn all lively and had a great time. She trotted with energy and bounce and vivaciousness and she was keen keen keen to canter. She proved she was a good girl by making many full loops at the canter, taking diagonals, and cantering as quiet and light and full-natured as you please. And each upward and downward transition she took with precision and relaxation and on the upwards, she always took her correct lead. We went around the grass lawn and up the driveway, she was just spectacular! I really do love this mare and just wish I could give her frequent regular grass lawned turnout!!

Big kisses from me and from the best Big Horse!