Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Violet and I Work on Jumping

I am writing this entry on Sunday, September 12th.  This past week, I rode Violet 5 times and at least 3 of the times, we practiced jumping.  We were very happy and relaxed and good at it.  And we even jumped crossrails.  So, I am really happy to report that yesterday, we had a jolly lesson with Mary and Baker and it was fun.  Violet was a little fussy, like a tempermental mare, but she was willing to work hard.  And we were great over jumps. I was giving her face and leaning forward without roaching my back.  And I worked at keeping my shoulders back.  I still have a bit of a problem with a lean to the left on the flatwork, but I am really enjoying trying to improve my riding with my darling red girl!