Monday, May 21, 2012

My Decent Pony

Here are some January 6th photos and a video of Kelsey working with Renny over winter break.  He's such a decent good-hearted kind hard-working young pony. I just love him to pieces.  Anyway, I am writing this entry on Sunday, January 29th, after an eventful jumping lesson with Jill Jewett.  She had me working to just give him a light long loose rein and she made me hold the reins with a driving rein style, so that I would get the feel for being more soft on his mouth.  I am definitely taking that technique to some practice sessions with Violet.  He was being a decent kind-hearted boy about doing figure 8 diagonal work over ground poles and then cross rail jumps and moving between cones.  And Jill said that she thought maybe she saw something funny on his left.  So, I had a terrible panic attack.  I thought I'd broken him.  I slithered off him right away and ripped off his leg wraps and we trotted him off and Jill said that she knew he was okay.  She'd only seen him bulge out his ribs to the left as I turned him to the right and asked for a halt and that if anything, he just travels a little close in his rear and I should get brush boots for him.  

But in that panic attack, and I mean it was a big one, I suddenly realized that though it is so financially costly and not very smart, I am going to keep Renny.  I'm not going to try and sell him any time soon, if I am able to avoid it.  I pray that I am able to keep both my beautiful kind horses.  Namaste.