Thursday, May 31, 2012

Renny's First Dressage Test

Here's my buddy and I on a beautiful June evening, working with our trainer.  I'm writing this entry on Sunday, February 5th, after Renny's second dressage lesson with Janet Harms, the Head Dressage Instructor from the University of Findlay English Equestrian Program.  We were thrilled to be with her.  And, of course, Renny was a hard-working little trooper!  I asked her to please evaluate our performance of the First Level Test 1 pattern and she agreed.  She was super cool.  She stood at C, just like the judge she is, and she rang a bell.  We were rough, but we did pretty darn good, I think!  And we sure had fun.  And it was a total total hoot to be scored by someone of her stature and importance.  I felt super happy!