Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thinking about Tasks

I won't always have these creatures in my life.  And so, I need to think about how to enjoy every wonderful moment.  I try to be mindful.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Love from the Ground Up!

Check out the look of that hunter cow pony!  Every part of my life with him is good!  I love him from the ground up!  Namaste.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Preparing for Spring Rides!

Every opportunity the weather has given me this Spring, I've taken.  I've wanted to be sure that I was preparing for happy Spring and Summer rides.  So, a few times, I've ridden Violet and Renny around the farm, including one happy day when Ricky opened up the gate and Renny and I and Eclipse and Hope just walked on out the door and enjoyed the world!  And I've ridden Violet several times now, around the farm and in the pony ring.  And she's been great, just wonderful.  She's been obliging, soft, ready.  She's been gentle off my leg.  She's been desirous to show me her flying lead change.  I just am so proud of her and so happy to be with her.  I can honestly say that my love and appreciation for her grow. That my time with her is always pleasant and fun.  I feel whole with her.  I feel like she's a gift from G*d to me.  I am glad to know that when I die, I can say that I was friends with such a great mare.   I know I'm being dramatic.  But I'm also being stone cold true.  Anyway, I'm getting sappy.  My point? I'm looking forward to riding with blue skies above!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Renny's Patient Trainers

I've been really blessed in my life.  Renny has been a blessing his entire life.  And so are the people he's drawn into my world.  When he was a little guy, so sweet and charming, I had one little tiny slip of a hope -- that I might be able to sit on his back just once before having to sell him.  I never dreamed that I'd be riding and enjoying and jumping him.  I never dared to dream.  But I've been doing that and more.  And he's had wonderful trainers to help me.  He's had Kelsey, the best rider I've ever known, along with her sister, Emily.  I will never forget the day that I was down by the river at Lake Tomahawk with my Dad and Mom when I first was confronting how sick my Dad is and how he needs rehabilitation in the nursing home.  I was standing there with him and I get a phone call from Kelsey, asking permission to start training on Renny.  It was wonderful.  And she brought happy brave quiet good cheer to him every single ride.  He was proud to give his best for her.  Proud to really bring it.  And he had Alyssa, another young lady with profound grit and cheer.  And I could tell that he loved her too.  And now here is his youngest trainer -- a patient sweet kind brave cheerful intelligent girl. Renny sure knows how to pick 'em!!!  And each and every one of Renny's sweet girls is teaching me -- the power, the virtue, the lovingkindness of patience!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Wonderful Hunter Mare!

Here are a video and photo of my lovely mare.  I was feeling discouraged about her toward the end of the summer because she was racing and rushing the jumps. But Jill helped me learn how to negotiate and feel her and be just the right balance of strong and soft.  And now Violet truly listens about pace to the jumps and straightness and trueness.  It's been a wonderful experience.  But now I have to be a bit more bold because my Violet is fearless -- she's happy to jump filler and boxes and stone and brick walls.  And I know she wants me to jump those things with her!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Good Pony!

Here are August 3, 2012 photos of Renny with his favorite friend, Kelsey.  He just loves her.  They are having a dusty little late summer ride.  He had a great summer with her and then I gave him a little scare in the winter, so I got him a new young trainer and friend, Larissa.  And Larissa has been a patient kind trainer for him. She trusts him.  She gives him her trust.  And he's been responding.  I say this because today he had a big test of character.  He'd had several days off and she came out and the indoor arena had every door open, including the big wide door by the end gate as well as the side gate with Chewy in the single.  Renny was happy to walk, trot, canter past all gates in a quiet obedient listening way.  And then she took him to the small and large outdoor arenas where he was a super star again.  I was very proud of his first spring day with all three major obstacles.  Larissa's winter trust paid off.  

Monday, April 8, 2013


Here's a little photo of my tired mare and her trainer, Jill.  Jill is really helping Violet become more supple, looser, and confident.  She's got great advice about where my mare is stiff.  And she's helping Violet become more straight and true. But what I'm writing about today is my Sunday routine.  This winter, I took a MOOC course on Equine Nutrition out of the University of Edinburgh by Dr. JoAnn Murray.  I loved the course.  She gave great information and explained the physiology of horses and their nutritional needs in clear language. She explained the different types of forages.  And what was great is that she talked about how to monitor your horses' conditions.  So, now, every Sunday, I love to do a little Wellness Exam. I get my stethoscope and listen to their bellies and hearts.  I take their temperatures, and check their ears, eyes, nose, and mouth.  I feel their legs and inspect their hooves.  I put thrushbuster on their frogs, and oil in their manes and tails.  I inspect them with the Henneke body conditioning scoring system.  And I take their weight in two ways -- by a formula system and by a weight tape.  I've been doing this routine for about 5 weeks now and my ponies "get it."  They know it's not a time of work.  It's a time of rest.  And love.  And bonding.  They relax.  They enjoy.  They listen to me listen to them.  They wait with love and patience for my hands and heart.  And for the treats!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Renny Jumps Boxes and Flowers!

Here are some iPhone snaps of my little pony, my power pony, just hanging out.  Larissa and I have been riding Renny this winter and helping him with his dressage and jumping.  And, in fact, Renny's been having a blast at jumping boxes, flowers, walls...nothing bothers him.  He likes verticals, he likes it all!  In fact, his personality has begun to flower again, now that he's getting new challenges put in front of him.  The pony likes excitement!  Which is kind of sweet and funny given that he's a low key relaxed mellow dude.  He doesn't stress -- he is totally Type B. Which is probably why he goes for the big exciting challenges!  What a smart little pony!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Violet Jumps Boxes and Flowers!

Earlier this winter, Violet had this weird sickness.  But I caught it.  I was visiting her and riding her on a Sunday and she was cheerful and happy.  And then an hour later, I could see that she didn't want treats or kindness.  So, I checked her temperature and gut sounds.  I caught her at the start of a rise in her fever.  And I helped her get over her sickness by being her buddy.  Here I am in her stall with her and then on a stroll, during her first day of recovery.  She's a wonderful loving creature.  And her illness isn't even the point of this entry.  The point is that she's brought her wonderful bravery to her lessons.  This winter she's jumped a stone wall, brick wall, boxes, flowers, lattice fences.  She's happy to do her job with gracefulness, like a show hunter!  She's showing her talent as a thoroughbred!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Trying to Make Good Decisions

Here we are -- we try to make good decisions for each other, every day.  Sometimes things aren't perfect.  Most times.  But we don't mind.  Because we are together and we love our jobs -- our jobs are to take care of each other and have fun with each other.  And we cover those jobs beautifully!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Violet and I Improve

Over Winter Break, Em and Jill have been working with Violet and I had a chiropractor come too.  And during this time, Violet just became fluid soft and generous.  She's given up her worries about the gates and corners.  She just wants to give a solid performance.  We've had fun long-lining in the outdoors, riding in the outdoor dressage ring, jumping with a nice pace.  In our lessons, she's soft, giving, listening, we are really communicating so much better.  And she ground ties.  She's so patient and loving with me.  I can tell you that she's my dearest friend.  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Learning to Care for My Teams

This winter has been a little tough -- Renny had a little bit of trouble in his training and Violet has shown a bit more of her stiffness.  My team members are teaching me about patience.  And the power and value of looking for the good in your teammates and wanting to build on those strengths.  So, I asked Em, Kelsey, Jill, Larissa, and Melinda to help my teammates and they are generous with their ideas, talent, kindness, patience, and skill.  And I feel so satisfied with all of our efforts.  Every day, in every way, my ponies get and take opportunities to use their talents!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Teammates' Spring Vet Appointment

So, this Spring, Dr. Zimmerman came and said that my herd was doing well and beautifully.  He said that Renny especially looked good because it's hard for ponies who are thrifty -- Renny looked just right and wasn't fat.  I was very pleased.  My ponies are feeling good and happy!

Monday, April 1, 2013

My Teammates' Chiropractor!

So, here are photos of me taken over Winter Break when Emily was working with my darling Violet.  Emily had just warmed Violet up and I got to try her out.  And you can see here my beautiful girl, trying her best to be a gorgeous round soft thoroughbred.  I've put a lot of stiffness into my mare over the years and we are working on using her sweet spirit, strong work ethic, and gracious nature to help her work out of that stiffness.  And Violet is rising to the occasion.  Anyway, our trainer, Jill, suggested that we try a chiropractor. So, I have these wonderful lady friends at the barn and one of them suggested her chiropractor and farrier.  He came and he was delightful.  Within two seconds, he could feel my horses' personality types.  And he gave them relief. Both my ponies were sore in their withers and needed adjustment.  And they both were so happy afterwards. Renny was especially cute about the process.  He got cuddly with everyone.  The chiropractor said that he bet that Renny was scooting and shying a lot this winter, as that's what green horses do, in particular, when they are feeling out of sorts and in pain -- they try to scoot from it.  I will say this -- both Renny and Violet have been working so much more fluidly and well and happily since their first treatment.  In fact, on the very same day, Renny stepped off happy and lively and strong when Larissa mounted him.  I am definitely using chiropracty as part of my athletes' maintenance routines!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Em Says, "Correct as it Comes!"

Over Winter Break this past year, Em was so generous.  She worked diligently to make my mare softer and sweeter -- and Violet really brought her best heart.  On the second to last day, I got to watch a lesson and I told her how I always had trouble at the end gate -- Violet would do beautifully, but at the very last second, she would lock up and take a peek, just to be sure.  And Em taught me several things that day which have changed how I approach riding.  She said that I have to really give up my fear at the gate.  I have to really trust.  I have to give it away.  And she said that I need to approach riding, such that I'm giving my best and just "correct as it comes!"  So, with Violet I've been able to do that and she could care less about any gate or any corner or any issue in that arena now.  She's solid and great.  Kelsey also taught me that lesson this summer too, but I think it took both sisters to really learn.  Kelsey said, "Ride the body, not the problem."  And she meant, don't worry about what your pony is thinking or worrying about, just place the body where you want!

The second thing Em taught me which I really appreciate is that when you're working on something that's hard for your pony, take it in 3 days.  On the first day, you introduce it and hope for the best and work diligently and try to end on a good note, though you know you'll pony will be frustrated.  On the second day, your pony will have been thinking about it and will be trying to rise to the occasion.  But on the third day, if you keep the aids the same, the spirit strong, and the desire clear, the third day will be wonderful!  And since I have always believed in the Power of 3, I have no trouble imagining this lesson plan to be true.  In fact, I missed her and Violet's last day together that week -- a third day. But it was so good that Ricky texted me and told me about it!  I'm proud of my ponies and happy with the people my ponies have drawn to me!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

So Proud of My Thoroughbred!

During our second to last lesson with Em over Winter Break, she made me get on Violet, after she got her warm and soft and supple.  And then she took my camera and got some photos.  And here you see me, sitting straight and tall and happy.  I'm sitting on my beautiful soft round belly-lifted thoroughbred.  And I am feeling so happy to be tied to this wonderful champion-hearted mare.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Renny's Brave Winter Blues Trainer!

In mid-November, I had a fall off Renny and he discovered that he could look for trouble.  I trained him for that by walking behind the kick wall and getting him concerned about what might be behind the walls.  Not my smartest move.  But Betsy gave me good advice to bring this young lady, Larissa, into Renny's life.  And she's been patient kind funny sweet and talented with him.  She's give him confidence when he's discouraged, bravery when he's scared, comfort when he's crabby, and talent, talent, talent.  She's gone from having to sit tight as he shys and spins at gates to being able to canter him over boxes, flowers, and stone and brick walls.  I'm just awestruck by their hard work!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Learning to be Supple!

Here are Winter Break photos and a video of the talented light-seated brave Emily teaching my Violet how to be relaxed and supple and sweet.  Emily rode Violet over Thanksgiving and Winter breaks and my girl certainly benefitted.  After the Thanksgiving rides, she turned to training me.  Violet became a lovely sweet teacher for me.  She teaches me every day to be softer but stronger, braver but kinder.  I do adore my Violet.  And I sure do adore the talented young women who helped shape my ponies!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My Sweetest Violet!

Here are a July 29th photo and video of my darling Violet, during a work session with Kelsey this summer.  Kelsey helped her be bold and courageous and helped me lots and lots.  I wasn't having a very good time communicating with Violet, so she and I were rushing toward fences.  Kelsey was very patient helping me work on that problem.  And some of my best times this past summer were when she and I would do a half and half lesson!  I would start on Renny and end on Violet and Kelsey and I would switch up.  I had lots of fun jumping and riding in that giant outdoor arena in the late afternoon sun or evening.  It was a great time for the Sanchez herd!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Sweet Little Jumper

Here are an August 3rd, 2012 photo and video of my darling pony with his favorite friend.  He had two great summers, learning how to be a talented brave jumper with her.  He had so much fun being challenged.  On some days, he would just not know which end was up, she could throw him some fun wrinkles.  He was happy to work on his lead changes, jump oxers and boxes, and pick the pace.  She was helping him to be bold with her and quiet with me.  And so seeing this little photo of Team Blue just makes me about as happy as I can say.  Renny really came into his happy own with this work!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Violet Works Hard with Talented Girls

Emily at Winter Break!

Here is a photo of beautiful Violet in July 2012 with Kelsey, working hard and learning how to jump and give lead changes.  And here's a video of beautiful Violet in January 2013 with Emily, working hard and learning how to be supple.  She's a graceful, intelligent, kind, funny mare with a delightful work ethic and a great spirit.  She wants to please her riders and she wants to have them enjoy the work.  I wish that I could breed her to a great stallion, so she could enjoy a foal and contribute to her heritage.  She's truly remarkable.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Inauguration 2013: Horses Helping After the Inaugural Address and Swearing In!

After the second inaugural, we glanced over as the crowds were dispersing, and horses were helping out right outside the Smithsonian art museum!  So, we interacted with these brave wonderful animals and then had a wonderful lunch in the Smithsonian, and then viewed beautiful art, including some of my very favorite Vincent Van Gogh pieces!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Inauguration 2013: I attended the Inauguration!!

I attended the inauguration and heard Beyonce lip sync.  I also heard Myrlie Evers Williams which blew my mind!  And I heard President Obama's second inaugural address -- it was one of the most progressive in history!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Inauguration 2013: Sunrise!

Such an exciting morning!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Inauguration 2013: Eleanor Roosevelt!

I love this woman.  She was one strong cup of tea and she helped form the UN!!

Saturday, March 16, 2013