Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jacques Mamou Lagniappe, My Dear One

I love Jacques Mamou Lagniappe.  Everyone knows this fact.  He runs my household with a velvet paw.  He takes an interest in all matters, such as being an effective domestic lion, household tiger, and perimeter checker.  He has strong opinions about how and when I should feed him and his companions and clean his quarters.  And at night, he is insistent, with a solid tap-tap-tap on my shoulder, about waking me up and demanding that I lift the covers and let him snooze with me.  But he's losing weight again, after a nice long year of holding steady on methsimazole.  So, he's gone back to the doctor a few times over the past few weeks, and he'll go again today, September 9th.  He wants to explain his "position to his physician," so we can assess where he is on his kidney and thyroid troubles.  His eyes are bright and he hasn't really changed up his routine that much, but he is developing strong opinions about what he will and won't eat -- and I am working to oblige him.  I love this lovely fellow.