Monday, November 22, 2010

Johnny Depp and Renny

So, I am writing this entry on September 9th and I'm feeling thoughtful.  Yesterday afternoon, I went out to the barn and brought Renny in from his pasture and set him up with his long-lines and then he professionally executed flowing changes of direction with trotting and happily quietly without fuss trotted over raised cavaletti multiple times on a circle.  He just banged it out, even when I was being all awkward and uncertain and clumsy with the lines.  He knew that I was sending him forward and so he just kept going quietly forward until waiting for direction.  I love him and I'm proud of him.  So, later that evening, while I was chatting him up in his stall, I talked with him about who should play him in the movie of his life -- James Dean or Marlon Brando.  And he and I decided that no one could play his cute adorable durable sweetness, but if someone were going to come close, it might be Johnny Depp.  So, that's where I'm at in life -- even Johnny Depp is not good enough to play my pony!