It's been a real tough week at work, this week ending on Friday, April 8th. I've been disrespected by a few colleagues. Someone sent a disparaging email about me accidently to me rather than to the intended party. It's been a tough week at work which hurt my feelings. Plus I had been impatient with Violet and feeling insecure. So, now I'm ragged, look bad, and tired, but I am learning what I'm supposed to learn. I'm learning that my creatures to love me and trust me and know that I care about them. Renny can't see me without wanting to walk over and seek love. Both horses want to do good under saddle. And my other creatures love me too. And I have my family, my beautiful family. So, I can let a rough week at work carry itself and trample me...but it can't undo me! And the most important thing I learned is that I NEVER want to bring impatience to my horses again. They deserve a world of lovingkindness and not a moment of my bad temper!