Friday, March 2, 2012

Feeling Soft with a Good Team Mate!

Here are early July photos and video with Renny and Kelsey.  I'm writing this entry on November 23rd, good samaritan day, and I can tell you, riding Renny is pure joy.  As soon as you pull him out to put his saddle on, he is all professional and business-like.  And he waits quietly by the mounting block and stands until you tell him to move on.  And he is responsive to your leg and centered.  And he is careful about his voice commands.  And he has a buttery smooth wonderful reaching canter which just feels terrific!  And he is happy to have you place his head anywhere you want.  And he is happy when he feels the play of your hand and elbows -- he wants to feel your presence, so he knows what you want.  He's an amazing baby pony.