Thursday, March 29, 2012

Renny and Grama Jumping!

Here is a photo take in the first weekend in May, after Renny and I completed our very first jumping lesson together.  You can see in my walk that I am just so happy and you can see by his relaxed walk that he is happy with me too!  I am writing this entry on Sunday evening, December 4th, and Renny has been home from Quicksilver for a month.  He has only had two jumping events since his return, but both were terrific. He was so sweet and fun for me to ride -- he goes straight and true to the center of the cross rails.  Now, I'm not saying he is perfect, he ran out twice on a line with a single stride...but he gave Kelsey a little heat with that jump too.  She said that she thinks that he found it awkward, he didn't know what to do with it.  But by the time she was done, she got it so that he was happy to canter quietly and sweetly and on a loose rein right through that single stride line!!
