Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jackass, My Guardian, and His Trophy Boyfriend

Here is a photo of Jackass and Arcangelo.  I am writing this entry on Sunday evening, December 4th and this photo is from March of this past year.  Last night, I was sleeping in bed and at 4am, my house started shaking because someone was pounding insistently on the door.  I went downstairs and it was a young man who just kept pounding and pounding on the door.  I told him to go away, but he wouldn't.  He just stood at the door pounding.  And I was scared because I recognized him from my Jumbo Sociology class.  I thought he was mad at me for some reason and coming to hurt me.  I called the police and as he stood there just pounding on the door and me on the phone with dispatch waiting, I heard a meow and looked down and saw that Jackass was standing with me, on vigil, calmly letting me know that he was with me, looking out for me.  I am blessed.  After the police took the young man away and said that he just chose my house randomly, not to be mean, he was just drunk and didn't know where he was, I crawled into bed and Jackass climbed into my arms and began to purr like a little truck and the rain started pattering quietly and I slept comfortably, knowing that I have a good guard cat who has loved me for his entire life.  I am blessed!