Saturday, May 7, 2011
Hailee's New Pals
In the background, you can sort of see her three new friends, Ben, Rocket and Scamper. Ben is this amazing mix of animal with some warm and coldblood in him. He's so gentle and affectionate and loving and smart. I just thought he had the best attitude and was a hoot. He would be so much fun. Rocket was a rescue mustang that really thinks he's Mr. Flashy Pants! He was a bossy handsome hoot! I enjoyed his company too. You could tell that he has that mustang thriftiness and intelligence and spark of life! I thought he was a very good-looking animal. And then Scamper was a paint stallion with a truly remarkable vivid pattern of black and white. He's a handsome well-put-together creature. And for a stallion, he's very gentle, obliging and polite. I was so impressed. When I first arrived at Paula's farm and we went into the pastures, Hailee was quietly hanging her head over the fence, chatting with her three buddies about their plans for the weekend! She looked so cozy and comfortable and happy about her pasture buddies!