Monday, January 23, 2012

My Visit to Quicksilver Farm

I'm writing this entry on October 7th.  So, I've been missing Renny pretty badly and not enjoying his being gone for training at an A-Circuit facility.  And this week was sort of tough because I had to address some bad business that had accumulated over the year.  So, I was feeling a little ragged when I went to visit Renny on Wednesday, October 5th, during the halfway point of his visit.  I slept terribly and got a late start, but my spirit improved as I travelled.  The weather was beautiful -- sunlit, but cool, and the leaves were just starting to change in the pretty part of the country where Renny was staying.  I arrived at the barn and Melinda, Alyssa, and two young ladies were there.  Renny was looking fit and sassy in his stall and was comfortably eating hay.  He was glad to see me, but he didn't go crazy about it.  He was saddled and taken to the arena and I was so curious to see how he would do.  

He was truly awesome.  From the very second, she walked him to the mounting block, he stood quietly and sensibly and with a loose rein.  And as soon as she asked him to walk off, he was all business, stepping straight and true and forward.  I could see that his trot and canter had substantially improved and that he was much more centered, round, balanced.  He didn't have any wiggles or bulges and he kept his frame beautifully without fussing even a little bit about her right to have his face.  And he just knocks out the quietest most simple little lead changes.  And he jumped a whole course as easy as pie.  A-Circuit training is exactly that -- A quality!  I was so proud I couldn't believe it!  Here's video of Renny jumping his course for me!