Saturday, January 28, 2012

Renny's A-Circuit Scratches!

I'm writing this entry on October 7th, 2011.  Okay, so not everything is perfect for my beautiful talented pony.  When I first arrived at Quicksilver, the owner said she was worried that I'd be unhappy with the way he looked.  Turns out that they had an enormous volume of rain, just like we did, and over the past few days, he'd developed mud fever on his pasterns.  Sure enough, he had scratches on all four pasterns and his back legs were stocked up.  I was a bit taken aback, it's true.  Up until then, the only health issue I'd ever had with my good pony is a little fever one day while he was still a suckling and a wolf tooth that needed taking out.  It hurt me a bit to see him stocked up.  But Melinda said that they were assertively treating it and expected it to clear up very shortly.  And I had confidence about that.  Renny didn't seem troubled at all and most of the swelling dissipated just from the short training ride they gave me.  But I was surprised to imagine my guy with a little mud fever!!