Saturday, January 7, 2012

Renny Ships to Quicksilver Farm!

All right!  I am writing this entry on Friday, September 9th and these photos are taken in the early morning of Wednesday, August 31st.  On that Wednesday, my little guy shipped to college!  I got up super early and went to the barn and groomed him and packed his belongings.  Stacey helped wrap him all pretty and we put shiny products on him.  And then the day sped by -- I don't know if I'll be able to capture all the magic of this day.  Ricky and I went to load him and Renny was as calm as you please.  He loaded quietly and let me hook him.  He didn't fuss or fight.  And off we went.

The ride was over three hours and we even got lost for a little bit and had to turn around in a factory parking lot.  We drove on I-80 and then on I-90 right through downtown Cleveland.  And Renny didn't fuss at all.  Every time we looked back, he was calm and sweet.  And he even took time to pee in the trailer.  

When we finally arrived at Quicksilver Farm, two stallions were galloping like crazy in their giant pastures, just to greet Renny and put him on notice.  When we arrived, 7 minutes early which made me super duper happy, Melinda and Alyssa were there and two other staff people.  Renny had a full krewe to meet him.  And here's where Renny kicked into high style gear.  We backed the trailer into the barn receiving area and then got out of the truck.  We had a leisurely conversation with Melinda and her staff and all the time, I could see Renny watching us calmly from the trailer.  He didn't fuss, he didn't move, he didn't paw, he didn't call.  He just stood patiently.  And then when it became time to unload him, we opened the trailer door and he just stood there.  I unhooked him and stepped under the barrier and he just stood there.  I said back in a gentle tone and he stepped quietly back to the edge of the door and then waited.  And then when I said step, step, he calmly quietly smoothly slowly but not tentatively stepped backwards off the trailer making sure his legs cleared easily and fully -- no slipping or feeling.  And then when he got off the trailer, he just stood there calmly and quietly and looked around.  He waited for a moment or two and then took a step toward the dancing stallions, but when I tugged no, he just resumed waiting, but then finally dropped his head to eat grass.

He arrived like a glorious well-behaved sweet sensible pony.  I could NOT have been more proud.  Then we walked him into the barn into his new stall and while we were unwrapping him -- Melinda, Alyssa, Ricky and I -- Renny checked his feed bin, ate his hay, and then took a long happy drink of water.  Melinda commented on what a good boy he was and how good it was to see that he wasn't fussy about the water.  And as she commented about that nicety,  Renny took a happy leisurely relaxed deep pee and looked around with satisfaction.

Then he was whisked out of his stall to stand in the aisle way and get measured.  He had four people swirling around him and Ricky and I were standing quietly to the side.  Renny was the quiet eye of these storm, standing with pride and quiet obedience in the middle of women who were measuring him and loving on his face.  His new rider gave him treats which Renny received with satisfaction.  He measured out at 14.0' and a sneeze, just as I said.

When I left, he gave me a calm sweet look.  He has a stall that has windows right into the busy aisle way and he barn has openings at either end, so he will be able to see lots of liveliness of passing people and ponies.  And he has a back window which over looks the house and also a small holding pasture for the new babies.  I hope that even as I write this entry, Renny knows I love him and is having a good time.