Monday, January 30, 2012

Violet's Big October Schooling Show!

I wanted Violet to have a chance to compete this year -- I felt that she should have one big competition per year to keep he hoof in the game.  So, Stacey said we could register for the Schooling Show on October 2nd, managed by the BG Equestrian Team.  We were registered for five classes -- 3 jumping classes at the novice level, including a medals class, and two flat classes -- one hunter under saddle and the other equitation.  So, I had new breeches and  nice black turtleneck.  I felt very pretty and Violet, of course, was gorgeous.  Our classes were the first ones of that morning.  So, I got my first warm-up session under Stacey's direction and it was awesome.  She was so efficient and direct and good at it.  She had us walk, trot, canter and then blasted us over a cross rail and then oxer, and then she made us jump our course which had three oxers (including a Swedish oxer) and one very odd bending line.  Anyway, I was determined to be relaxed (which I know sounds weird, but there it is).  And Violet had a few days off and it was a cool morning, so she was fresh and interested and engaged.  And we were just relaxed and powerful and happy over our practice course.  We did two outside lines and then two diagonals.  Bang bang bang.  Stacey didn't even want us to practice again.  And I told her, if that was the only good thing that happened at the show that I would be satisfied!