Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bumps in the Road and a Test of Patience

Here's an August 3rd, 2012 photo of my little Renny, working hard for his friend, Kelsey.  I want him to be my riding pony forever, so I want to have patience to help him deal with his nervousness about ghosts, monsters, and gates.  When he first got these fears in November, it took me time to realize that I wasn't reacting to him, I was reacting to a memory of his mother.  I would be riding her all over again and feeling uncertain and unsafe.  And now when he does stuff - like act ponyish after taking a break, or take a look at things like the gate, I have to remind myself that he used to do those types of things before he showed fear about the arena.  He's just being young green pony.  I need to help him be brave and hardworking, so his sweet brave inner nature can shine!  A bump in the road!