Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wonderful Trainers in My Life

Here's a July 27th picture of Violet with Kelsey.  Kelsey helped Violet get bigger and braver and bolder over fences this summer and helped her develop her timing and her lead changes.  And then this winter, Emily really helped Violet settle into softness roundness and amazingness.  Violet finally gave up fussing over distractions, like gates.  And she started to feel and look for the bit in new ways.  We've really come a long way.  And now we've got another young trainer, Larissa, who brings just the steadiest hand and emotions to her tasks -- my horses really like her and feel confident around her and trust her.  So, I will say that I am super happy with my young trainers and my more experienced accomplished trainers -- like Jill and Janet!  I love being an equine student!