Sunday, February 17, 2013

Violet and I Start Jumping Anew!

Here's a July 2th photo of Violet jumping round and sweet and happily and calmly for Kelsey.  I kind of took a step back from jumping this Fall. There's been so many changes and I haven't felt very comfortable.  But Emily worked with Violet over winter break and told me to try a slow twist bit and a standing martingale and get back into the swing of things.  And Jill has been setting up fences and boxes with filler.  And so, over the past week or so, Violet and I jumped our first flower boxes and solid boxes.  And she was terrific and sweet and honest and true.  She's sometimes way too fast, but she's definitely bringing her best heart to the work, so I know we will get on track.  In my heart, I know she's jumping fast because she's trying to convey to me that she will do the jump, she won't run out or dodge her responsibility.  She can feel my worry and hesitation.  So, I need to become braver and more confident, so that she doesn't have to take on such overwhelming responsibility.  But we are definitely a good and happy and solid team!